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The Renovation Project

Llandevaud Hall, which is located next to St Peter’s Church at the top of the lane behind The Tamarind Restaurant, was built in 1913 on a piece of land given by The Church Commissioners. The construction of the building , which according to the records cost £341-17s-11d, was paid for by fund raising events and donations from the residents and local dignitaries.


Although the land was given specifically for church purposes and the building was technically a Church Hall , it was traditionally viewed as the village hall and was managed by a Hall Committee which had its own officers and operated independently of the Parochial Church Council.


Over the years it was of great value to the village as a centre for social functions, Sunday school and evening classes, dances and the well-known annual Llandevaud Horticultural Show in aid of the blind.


Sadly, with the advent of television and other social distractions the use of the Hall diminished and it became neglected, until in 1992 a newly formed Committee made a concerted effort to put it back into good condition and get it up and running again. This was very successful and the Hall became the centre of village life again for quite a few years. Unfortunately, this was not to last as members of the Committee gradually left the village or lost interest. Since the Hall was falling into disrepair, the PCC , which is ultimately responsible for its upkeep, was obliged to take over from the Committee in order to keep it safe and insured.


The problem was that as nothing had been spent over the years in improving the Hall’ amenities , the lack of proper toilet and kitchen facilities meant it was not really fit for hiring out to the public. However, the PCC was very conscious that Llandevaud really needed a place where village functions could be organised, which would hopefully bring to the village a renewed community spirit and sense of belonging .Fortunately, through generous legacies and gifts to the church, sufficient funds became available in 2019 for the PCC to carry out a complete refurbishment of the Hall.


This included new heating, kitchen and toilet facilities, rewiring and safety measures which brought it up to the modern standards required for use by members of the public. The work was completed in June 2020, but by then the Covid pandemic had struck, delaying the official reopening of the Hall until October 2021.


The PCC has reverted to the traditional arrangement for the management of the Hall to be delegated to a Hall Management Committee drawn from residents of Llandevaud. The Committee operate independently with their own Officers and bank account etc. and all residents are invited to put their name forward for consideration.


The PCC are very fortunate that from the outset the members of the Committee have been extremely enthusiastic and dedicated and gave much time and hands-on effort towards the refurbishment of the Hall, particularly Jane Allsop, Phil and Sue Hurd, Andy and Diane Weaver and David Masters. Thanks are also due to Heather May-Miles who generously donated a fully equipped kitchen, Steve( Pitts Heating andPlumbing) , Sam (Clarke Electrical), Jon (Straw Groundworks) and last but not least to Robert Hicks the main building contractor.


To help pay for the cost of refurbishment and ensure an ongoing income, the PCC agreed terms with Little Darlings Nursery to hire the Hall on weekdays between 7.30 am and 6.30 pm , which leaves the Hall free for use by the residents every evening and at weekends.


Anyone interested in hiring the Hall or in being co-opted onto the Management Committee is invited to email:

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©2022 Llandevaud Hall

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